The Economist warns Nigerians against returning Buhari.

To the ever Atikulated Populace, this is another one...enjoy!

Possibly assuming that the government, INEC, Police and Military agents, could rig the 2019 elections in favour of the incumbent President Buhari, the Economist predicted that the insecurity will remain high while standard of living will plummet lower.

“Given the outlook for continuing political weakness, there is little prospect of progress in the fight against the Islamist insurgency in the north, nationalism in the oil-producing Delta and secessionism in the Biafra region.

“Market-based reforms will languish, holding back growth yet again."

The magazine’s other predictions for Nigeria are: GDP growth (1.9%); GDP per head $2; inflation 13.6%; Budget balance -2. 0; and population 201.0m.

This clearly indicates that Nigeria will be worse off with another term for Buhari in 2019.

To ensure that living in Nigeria does not become messier, Nigerians have only to ensure that they steer away from the unending scams of the APC and the sleeping, parochial presidency of Buhari, to usher in a dynamic, purposeful and active government led by a competent, vastly experienced and knowledgeable leader.

In this, the electorate is left with just one realistic and reasonable option, to join the Atiku movement, given the economic management capacity, and liberal nationalistic character of the PDP presidential candidate, to get Nigeria working again.


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